Contact Us
Feel free to contact & reach us !!
Androse Disability Organization Tanzania (ADOT) started initially operating as a social enterprise, with the aim of dignifying the lives of the Most Vulnerable Persons With Disabilities Most Vunerable Person With Disiabilities (MVPWDs ) in Tanzania and beyond. ADOT focuses on providing a voice for those whose challenges often remain unheard, systematically and consistently addressing their needs and advocating for their rights.
Feel free to reach out to us for more information or to join us in this mission to uplift and honor the lives of Most Vulnerable Persons With Disabilities Most Vunerable Person With Disiabilities (MVPWDs).
Head office address :
Chamazi - Mzambarauni | Temeke - Dar es Salaam
Phone number :
Mobile-no: +255 753678830 .
Email address :