Our Recent Projects

SEMA is first newest one and half years (2023-2024) project which was sponsored by ForumCiv through program SASA (Strenghening Agency for Social Accountability) implemented in Temeke District at Chamazi and Sandali wards which worth $19,500

Is second funded (2024-2025) project by ABILIS Foundation to raise awareness on issues regarding sexual and reproductive health and right for women and girls with disabilities in Tanzania

Day of the African Child for 16 June 2023 and 2024 was celebrated by ADOT with children with disabilities from Chamazi, Msufini and Yangeyange primary schools

One of Our ADOT objective is to encourage youth with disability. Pugu boys school is one schools in Tanzania which has more than 100 students with disabilities that ADOT find it visible to provide encouragements through several visits.

ADD in collaboration with Bournemouth university in UK hosted a YDAF on 17 th April 2023 and invited ADOT Managing Director to facilitate on enably factors towards unlocking the power of disability advocacy held Sea Shells hotels.

ADOT engagement with UNWomen was through a couple of involvements in the MTAKUWA project whereby ADOT representative attended an event in Singida in 2023 as well as the ALWN region meeting at the Fourpoint Sheraton hotel in 2024

ADOT registered into the Foundation for civil society registration portal since 2022 though did not get funding but was involved in a couple of FCS initiatives including the CSO’s week in Arusha in 2023.